January 13th, 2014
How do you know we’re at a real moment of American progressivism?
This morning on the drive in, I passed a recent vintage Toyota Camry sporting a brand-new Mondale-Ferraro bumper sticker. For reals.
In the late 80’s or early 90’s George Effin’ Will wrote a column about driving around upper North West and Montgomery County and seeing old bumper stickers of various Carter, Mondale, Dukakis, etc., campaigns on the back of cars. He called them “tattered guidons of failed crusades”.
I’ve always remembered it because at the time I lived in Arlington and saw the same tattered guidons throughout my neighborhood.
Now I live in western Fairfax County and see many tattered Obama 08 and 12 stickers, I consider them the tattered guidons of failed ideas.
Nedward January 20, 2014 at 10:38 pm
If it exists it’s good news for Gabriel Sherman/Random House, what with the new amalgamated “0% fresh” rating (or perhaps the Paula Deen public-lashing strategy was deployed, just to get it to scan higher)