Dept. of Bait and Switch
June 17th, 2014

I have a feeling this is going to be a regular series. Here’s the New Republic on Rick Perry likening homosexuality to alcoholism:

I’m not saying that Perry is right. I’m saying that it’s time for the LGBT community to start moving beyond genetic predisposition as a tool for gaining mainstream acceptance of gay rights.

For decades now, it’s been the most powerful argument in the LGBT arsenal: that we were “born this way.” Certainly there’s evidence that the argument has played an important role in the shifting of attitudes towards the LGBT community. . . .

Still, as compelling as these arguments are, they may have outgrown their usefulness. With most Americans now in favor of gay marriage, it’s time for the argument to shift to one where genetics don’t matter.

Oh, so all these arguments were just “tools” to be used to “gain mainstream acceptance”–not, you know, good-faith assessments about the nature of reality. And now they have “outlived their usefulness” so it’s time to shift to other arguments.

Makes you wonder what other parts of the gay-marriage argument were just “tools.”

  1. SkinsFanPG June 17, 2014 at 8:45 am

    ” Now that AIDS has become a manageable disease, and attitudes have shifted, it’s entirely possible that the argument can and should shift to one that is more sex-positive and libertarian…”

    Uh, I think you meant libertine, not libertarian 😉