Didn't they read Red Son?
June 28th, 2006

Blog Crush has this on the Superman movie:

Mike Dougherty and Dan Harris, the two credited screenwriters for ‘Superman Returns’ have changed Superman’s famous motto, “Truth, Justice and the American way”, to “Truth Justice and … all that stuff”. Seriously. No, really.

Dan: “I don’t think ‘the American way’ means what it meant in 1945.” Mike: “He’s not just for Metropolis and not just for America.” Dan: “He’s an alien, from Krypton; he has come to Earth to be kind of a savior for this world, not our country . . . And he has no papers.” Mike: “What would happen with the immigration laws we have now?” Dan: “I’d like to see someone kick him out!”

Yes, yes, good for you two jackasses. Aren’t you just so clever. I bet Stalin and Kim Jung-il couldn’t be prouder.

(I would have written more about this but I’m just so angry right now, and when I tried it was just “dirty god damn hippies” and “god I hate Hollywood so much some days” for like 8 pages. Yes, “the American way” was fine in ’45 when we were fire hosing little black kids trying to go to school and women couldn’t vote, but not now that we’re enforcing our hundred year old immigration laws. Yeah, that makes sense. You’ve clearly thought this out. Was it better then, is that what you’re saying? So, for the record, you’re for fire hosing blacks and against protecting the US. Okay, thanks Hollywood. I knew about the second one, but I just wanted to be clear.)

Kind of makes you long for a Frank Miller Batman to off the Big Red “S.”

Whatever that means.

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